Jacob Millman

Jacob on a couch with potted plant.

"A once-in-a-lifetime talent, backed up by an electrifying personality and a flood of charisma"- Nancy Millman

What's Next?

  • The Roles We Play

    Jacob will be portraying Jack in The Roles We Play, written and directed by Linsy Segarra. The short film depicts Jack and Honey, his partner, taking absurd measures to cope with the end of the world. Filming wrapped in December 2024, and will be released in 2025.

Most Recently

  • Jacob in Singfeld


    The Jerry Orbach Theatre

    Jacob was most recently seen in Off-Broadway’s Singfeld, originating the on-stage iterations of George Costanza and Newman. After a solid six months of musical theatre comedy, Jacob is excited to utilize the lessons he learned and newfound Seinfeld knowledge in the next chapter of his career.

"Millman skillfully delivers a generous dose of doubt and neuroses to George Costanza...”
- Manhattan Digest

Jacob's face

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Jacob Millman

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